I'm a little scared sometimes about how much I rely on the internet. I'm not sure why, since I don't have similar anxieties about other kinds of infrastructure, like plumbing or electricity (right now in my apartment the water is off for maintenance reasons and I am feeling pretty relaxed about it). Maybe there's a greater sense of how easily it could be taken away and what that would mean. That thought gets me thinking about what life would be like if I relied on the post office and phone system to fulfill the needs that the internet regularly fulfills for me. My conception of the internet is still very much anchored in the sorts of metaphors catalogued in How to Internet. I think of it spacially- as a place, but also as an overlapping Venn diagram of intersecting but compartmentalized communities and selves and ways to behave. It's also a flow- I play enough online games and stream enough media to see it that way- as both a particle and a wave. It's also a material necessity, (in isolation) more than ever.